Friday 4 January 2013

The Real Pete Roper

My name is Pete Roper, I've been in non-political but patriotic skinhead band Retaliator since the mid 90's, a band the extreme left have tried to destroy because we dared to be patriotic skinheads. If you type my name into a search engine your screen will be filled with lies and distortion spread all over the internet by left-wing fascists. By all means read their disgusting rubbish, but then read my side (the truth) and make your own mind up.

My Politics and My Music
My name has been dragged through the mud on this great uncontrolled monster we call the internet, which is fine, i can handle it, but I just want to set a few records straight here and state a few cold hard facts, then by all means crucify me for my sins if you still feel the need. Everything I say here will be the truth, I feel no need to lie, I have nothing to hide and my band is already one of the most reviled non-political skinhead bands in the world so I feel no need to protect its name. The lies and smear campaign will no-doubt continue as it has for sixteen years whatever I say here, so take it or leave it believe it or not this IS the truth about me.

I am not, never have been and never will be a Nazi, Neo-Nazi, National Socialist or a fascist. The love I hold of my country would never permit it, the Nazis not only waged a ferocious war against my country, they attacked my hometown of London relentlessly killing thousands of fellow Londoners, men women and children among them. They also killed members of my own family both at war and in the blitz. I have no leanings towards the Nazis or National Socialist doctrine whatsoever. The furthest right I have ever voted in my entire life was the Conservative party recently to remove that bumbling socialist fool Brown and his horde of idiots from power. Politics bores me, I have no interest in it, ultimately they are all the same, politicians are just all out for themselves so why waste your time on it, you can change nothing. 

My own politics are not at all cut and dried and I have so far found no pigeon hole to neatly slot them into and no party to attach them to but then that’s how it is in the real world, the world away from political fanatics, extremists and idealists, on the streets we all just have a bunch of mixed up opinions some of which conflict with others. It’s just not a precise science to the ordinary bloke, but I will admit my politics are on the right. I am a patriot, a very concerned patriot. I hate what they have done to my country and I make no bones about it. I hate socialism because I see it as the politics of envy, flawed ideals and false utopias. We ARE all different, we are NOT all the same. Mankind is inherently lazy and wicked so there will never be a fluffy utopia where we all get on and have lots of group hugs. There will always be division and hatred it is in mankind’s nature and I am a realist I stand strongly against multiculturalism also, not out of hatred or dislike of others but out of the love of culture. I understand cultural diversity enriches the human experience and I welcome it, there is nothing wrong with diversity – my favourite foods are Indian, Chinese, Kebabs etc - but only if the indigenous culture is promoted and protected above all others. I believe the culture of all nations around the world is extremely important to keep cultural diversity vibrant and alive. It should be protected EVERYWHERE, so it may flourish. If you visit Indonesia you want to taste Indonesian culture not some watered down version of it with a traditional fish and chip shop by the bingo hall. I believe it’s paramount that nations all around the world are protected from multiculturalism because it’s implementation sets out to subjugate the indigenous cultures, it seeks to promote incoming cultures as every bit as important to the indigenous one, so all the incoming cultures mix together to form this multicultural society, but all you really get is multicultural hell! Ghettos, division, mistrust, resentment and hatred which leads to public disorder and riots and ultimately civil war. You end up with people who have no understanding of who they are and where they come from, so they have no pride, they respect nothing. Am I against immigration? Of course not, immigration is essential everywhere but only in controlled sensible numbers. And yes that does include the British, we ourselves are just as guilty of this as anyone else. Once in Rome, as they say. It’s about respect and gratitude to a nation that has accepted you. Once whole areas become ‘ethnic’, streets, boroughs, towns, cities, it becomes a danger to the indigenous culture and the nation’s way of life and laws and it is wrong on so many levels I wouldn’t know where to start.

So there’s where I stand politically, this ‘known Nazi’ (as the leftist fascists describe me) who’s never even voted for UKIP let alone the BNP. Am I secretly Blood & Honour? No, why would I be? If I was Blood & Honour I’d shout it from the rooftops because that’s what you do when extreme politics is your bag. Am I a fence-sitter? Haha, now that really is one of the stupidest things I’ve heard. There IS NO BLOODY FENCE!!! Politics in the real world is full of grey areas, it’s not all black and white, cut and dried, left or right but fanatics can’t see that, you’re either with them of against them in which case you become a legitimate target to be attacked, slandered and demonised at their leisure. Never face to face though you understand. Never man to man like real men! Never that!

My politics are my politics, they may be a bit confused and a bit fluid but they’re what they are and that’s that, that’s who I am, I believe all political extremists are wasting their life away chasing unrealistic idealistic dreams that are never gonna happen. Change can only ever be brought about by war or mainstream politics so until someone puts a gun in my hand I’m quite happy to sit by and let the country get on with destroying itself, nothing I do or say is gonna change anything. 

Incidentally. Another small fact my Ill-informed one-dimensional antagonists are no doubt in the dark about, I am also the lead singer in rocksteady reggae band The Undetectables. I co-write the songs with Barry from Infa Riot who plays guitar and keyboards in the band. Are there many ‘known Nazis’ with a lifelong love of Jamaican music? I somehow doubt it! 

So there you have it, my politics in a nutshell. Crucify me for my truths if you wish but once you feel the need to use lies and distortion I would suggest you take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and begin the question the validation of you politics and your morals, nothing whatsoever should ever be built on lies!


  1. You writing is brilliant. Retaliator meant so much to me, to workingclass rebels everywhere; I really hope you`ll make another record soon. Never mind the ignorance; we are many who understand and truly loved Lionhearted, we will continue to spread the word to mates off and online ;)

    Sorry for the crappy english, I´m swedish.
    Pride and strength - S.

  2. Thanks mate, to me your words are perfect, it has always meant everything to me and to Retaliator that the people who support us are the important people, the real people, the people on the street!
