Friday 8 March 2013

An Introduction

So I was born in Camberwell, south London in the sixties to working class parents.  My dad was an ambulance man, my mother a telephonist.  I first lived in a run down flat in a little close called Bloom Grove in West Norwood that sat next to the railway tracks but we soon moved into a council flat at the top of Knights Hill on Portobello Estate which was a brilliant place for a young lad to spend his formative years.  I have many happy memories of those years, my infant school Crown Lane was pulled down years ago but I still remember it vividly.

Then my parents split and divorced and the family was torn apart.  The next big chunk of my life was spent living in a council house near Crystal Palace, on Central Hill Estate, Upper Norwood and going to school at Kingsdale Comprehensive, a rough and ready secondary school.  I had some good times there but mostly I hated the fucking place and learned little.

I left school and laboured on building sites for a while before taking an apprenticeship with Lambeth Borough Council.  This is the period I first became a skinhead.

After working for the council for five years and passing my City & Guilds as a carpenter, I left and went off to find myself!!!  Unfortunately I only got as far as Great Yarmouth on my loosely planned journey around Britain.  Halfway through exile in Norfolk, I was involved in starting a band called Retaliator.  The rest is history.

I now live on the south coast with Glenda my wife, I work in maintenance now, in the care industry.  We have four dogs, we keep chickens and fish.  We are both staunch animal lovers and could happily visit great violence upon those cruel to animals.  It sickens us to the heart!

I like to read quite a bit, almost exclusively historical works, both factual and novels.  I love history, I would love to work in that field and hope that one day I might.

Well that's me.


  1. Hi Pete,

    Remember me, Jez, we used to be friends at Kingsdale School ?

    Glad to see you're doing well - and that you play bass :)

    I'll stick around and read more about you, of your band and more blog articles - just wanted to say a quick 'Hi'.

    All the best.


  2. Holy crap! Hello Jez! How the bloody hell are ya? It's been a few years mate, hope you are living life to the full. As you can see, I never really amounted to much, still a little scallywag haha!

  3. Please tell me you picked up those drum sticks again after Kingsdale, you were too good not to keep it going. Sorry for the delay in reply, aint been on here for ages, life gets in the way and I've been writing a book about the band. Blimey, so many memories are popping into my head from school.
